Tuesday, February 26, 2008

First Baby Class

This week marks our 27th week of pregnancy and we are officially in our third trimester. We had our first baby preparation class last week, which was aptly titled "Preparing for Baby". While the class covered a lot of things that seemed like common sense, the instructor also went over things to be aware of and passed around different samples of outlet protectors, cabinet locks, etc. which was helpful.

We've also started shopping for the main baby stuff we'll need (crib, stroller, car seat, etc.). Man, who knew it would be so difficult to pick out these things. Not only are there a ton of brands and models to choose from, but to also take into consideration the ease of use, size, weight, durability, and more, it would almost be easier to take the CPA exam over again. Just kidding, I'd choose picking out strollers and cribs over studying lease accounting or taxes any day.

Tyler continues to grow and has become quite an active little guy. I think he knows when I'm in sitting in meetings or about to fall asleep at night because those are his favorite times to start dancing or exercising. And he definitely has a sense of humor. He loves to tease his Daddy. Often times at night when Tyler is moving, I'll tell Brent he's moving and as soon as Brent puts his hand on my tummy, Tyler stops moving. Then as soon as Brent takes his hand away, he starts moving again.

Next month we start our childbirth preparation classes, so we'll keep you posted on how those go.